Embracing Resilience And Breaking The Silence

Embracing resilience and breaking the silence! 💪 Check out my latest article on navigating life with injuries, and the creative, sustainable ways we can build a new world for women featured in @boldjourneymag.

I am blessed to be alive!

💚 Let’s make our lives non-negotiable.

Brandy Michele, thanks so much for taking the time to share your insights and lessons with us today. We’re particularly interested in hearing about how you became such a resilient person. Where do you get your resilience from?

Knowing and believing We Are All Stars gives me the resilience to rise once again after a car accident left me with a spinal cord injury, two smashed discs in my neck, a collapsed disc in my back, and autoimmune along with the City of Dallas shutting me down for almost a year in 2017 nearly taking everything I had built over a decade in South Dallas at my art space WAAS Gallery. Resilience comes from within. It is a superpower that I have discovered after many traumatic experiences being a single mom, entrepreneur, and artist living and working creatively with contemporary art and corporate. I am exhibiting what it means to live a sustainable lifestyle through regeneration, neuroscience, and intuition.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

After a decade of serving the arts community at large, curating over 120 exhibitions 12 experiences, and self-producing over 200 artists at WAAS Gallery in Texas and California, I have returned to being a full-time artist with a background in film, beauty, entertainment, and mindfulness. In 2016, I accomplished my 200 RYT, then returned to school in 2019 to further my certifications and share the wisdom of self-care, which can lead to self-healing. I have overcome depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and many other conditions with Yoga Nidra, which is a restorative rest practice that helped me regenerate my mind-body connection, allowing me to recall my dreams and why I built WAAS Gallery.

I built WAAS to empower other women to build what they want through the lens of sustainability. I am thrilled to announce the launch of WE ARE ALL STARS, the brand that empowers women to find their inner shine, with wearable goods launching in 2024. After 24 years of being a professional artist and creative, I want to help other women find their way to build the new Made in the USA. As a single mom artist, I am working with Corporate companies to align retreats, programs, and speaking engagements to start talking about mediation as a full spectrum of health care. We weren’t taught brain care in school, so now is the time to guide people back to their breath to restore their birthright to shine. You can check out the new WAAS website, waasgallery.com, and grab a t-shirt supporting women defining their right to own a local boutique business. When you book or build with me, we utilize Conscious Desng, where I take the I out of design so we can produce what supports you by consulting or curating your dream. My art is currently building living plant installations and abstract paintings with one-of-one meditations where I lead you back to your inner universe. My artwork encourages you to be with yourself or friends in meditation for meaningful connections lost by the digital era. My performance pieces are based on our ability to connect with Mother Earth, our greatest healer. I will have a new performance piece I am sharing in 2024 tbd.

We Are All Stars curates, produces, and celebrates life as art.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Creativity, Dreaming, Intuition

Only you can create what you are here to create; do not let anyone stop you from dreaming because your dreams are real, and guide yourself back to your intuition. Your body already knows what you need. So sit with yourself and listen.


Yoga Nidra + Sound Healing Guide, At Lake Austin Spa


Sustainable Creative Business Consulting & Art Curation Coaching